The 3x Long GLP Vault

Description of Steadefi’s GLP 3x Long Vault integrated with on the Avalanche and Arbitrum blockchains.
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Jeff Lam
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Welcome to our 1st Featured Strategy, the 3x Long GLP!

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This vault has been fully audited by Omniscia. Please refer to for more information regarding the audit.

Click on the tabs below for more info: What is GMX and the GLP? 🧐

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Why a 3x Long Vault on GLP? 📖

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The 3x Long GLP Vault Investor Profile 🧑‍💻

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How does the 3x Long Vault work? 🔩

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Optimal Reward Scenario 💵

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Potential Risk Scenarios ⚠️

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Backtest Results 📅

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