Steadefi Blog

Leverage yield strategy vaults with automated risk management. On Arbitrum and Avalanche
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Steadefi V3 vaults migration + Liquid Restaking strategy vaults
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Steadefi V2 Vaults migration
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Details about Steadefi’s esSDY Airdrop Campaign: how to participate, period of campaign, how to earn points and more.
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Details about Steadefi v2 secure relaunch to GMX v2 pools, enhanced security measures, compensation plan details, new investors and advisors and more.
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Introduction of the new advisors for Steadefi v2 Secure Reboot with a focus on vaults for GMX v2 and Swell’s swETH, along with the all-important security upgrades
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Team Updates
Steadefi Relaunch & Compensation Plan
Details of the Steadefi relaunch including a long-term compensation plan for affected users.
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Analysis of the Exploit occurring August 8th on the Steadefi protocol along with the outline of a reimbursement plan for recovered funds.
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Steadefi integrates the Hypernative real-time fully-integrated security platform designed to prevent and mitigate the damage from attacks on protocol smart contracts
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First 7 Days of Camelot Vault Performance: Lending Vaults, plus Neutral and Long Strategy Vaults built on ETH-USDC & ARB-ETH.
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Avalanche users can now earn boosted real yield in any market condition with Steadefi’s automated position and risk management.
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Announcing Steadefi’s integration of Chainlink price feeds for lending and strategy vaults.
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Information and link to the $esSTEADY airdrop claim.
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Steadefi liquidity bootstrap launch. Enjoy bonus APRs in $esSTEADY for a limited time (90 days).
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Announcement for Steadefi’s participation in the Chainlink Build Program
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Featured Strategy Vault
The 3x Long GLP Vault
Description of Steadefi’s GLP 3x Long Vault integrated with on the Avalanche and Arbitrum blockchains.
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A Summary of our Discord Alpha Test Final Updates: Product Improvements, Final Performance Updates, Upcoming Vaults, and Discussion on GLP/Beta deposit limitations
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Problems of 2022 DeFi yield farming and Steadefi’s 2023 strategy vault solutions: risk management, position clarity, increased strategy options for different market outlooks.
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A Summary of our Discord Alpha Test Updates for Week 2: Feedback on General Product, Performance Updates, Future Plans, and Discussion on APR Calculations
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A Summary of our Discord Alpha Test Updates for Week 1: Feedback on General Product, Performance Updates, Future Plans, and a Brief AMA.
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Announcement of a successful close to Steadefi’s 1st seed round with a message of DeFi hope from the team.
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Intro to Steadefi
Information about our DeFi protocol launching Q4 on Avalanche (#AVAX).
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Alpha testing information for Steadefi’s first strategy vaults.
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6 reasons for Avax: 1) Builders, 2) Yield Opportunities, 3) Need for our Strategy Vaults, 4) Expansive Support Network, 5) Vibrant Communities, 6) Institutional Interest/Onboarding
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Beginning with brief introduction to lending protocols, we show two ways in which Steadefi intends to improve upon the status quo.
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Steadefi’s approach to improving DeFi yield farming by providing 1) insight into yield sources, 2) historical trends on yield vaults, 3) APYs that match with the actual ROI.
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Steadefi’s plans to provide an optimal UX: 1) Simplified strategies, 2) Clean UI with clear indicators, 3) Full automation, no user maintenance
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Two issues with DeFi Lending Protocols: 1) a mismatch in risk vs reward, 2) volatile lending APYs/APRs
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This post covers 3 reasons DeFi Yield Farming fails to meet user expectations: 1) APYs tend to be based on highly-inflationary incentive tokens, 2) APYs are based on snapshots of the current market prices, 3) APYs are based on confusing manual compounding calculations.
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The masses may not be coming to DeFi just yet. First, we’ll have to solve the problems of its dense jargon, intimidating user-interfaces and experiences, and insufficient transparency for wary investors.
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